Reading the Bible: Strategies for Success

We’ve got our online Bibles, the tools to understand them better and a plan for reading.  Chances are, however, this isn’t your first time giving this whole Bible thing a chance.  So how do we succeed?  Here are some tips for you that I’ve gathered from around the web, in addition to my own.

Susan, at Fruitful Words, gives the following tips:

  1. Keep all my Bible reading “supplies” together and in the same place.
  2. Find a quiet place to read.
  3. Beautify the space.
  4. Realize that life happens.
  5. Mix it up.
  6. Pray.
    [Full post with explanation] gives 20 tips for effective Bible reading.  Here’s an excerpt:

(6) DIVIDE YOUR BIBLE READING INTO MORNING AND EVENING PORTIONS (Psalm 119:147-148). A good habit to develop is to read a portion of Scripture in the morning and in the evening. Some possibilities: (a) Read a portion of the Old Testament in the morning and a portion of the New Testament in the evening. (b) Read the Scriptures systematically in the morning, three or four chapters a day, proceeding through the Bible; and then read more devotionally in the evening, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead to various passages. offers a whopping 101 Tips for Reading the Bible.  Actually, he only gives about 50, counting on his readers to supply the rest.  They are divided into the following categories:

  1. Making Time to Read the Bible
  2. Understanding What you Read in the Bible
  3. What to Read in the Bible
  4. Reading Through the Bible in a Year
  5. Picking Out the Right Bible(s)
  6. Memorizing Parts of the Bible
  7. Studying the Bible with Other People

The TLC Youth Group offer up their Top 5 Bible Reading Tips:

  1. Remove hindrances – Cut your phone off, turn the music off and find a quiet, private place. So many times you will find yourself preparing for a good Bible readying time and something will come up to distract you from your readying and at times will make it impossible to get any good studying and reading done.
  2. Truly Understand the Scripture – Compare relevant scriptures with each other so you know the aspects and differences. Again, take your time. So many times we find our self knowing a certain scripture but do not really understand the true meaning of what it is saying and end up confusing ourselves.
  3. Apply what you read to yourself – We should be able to apply each and every word to our life each time we read. I read the Old Testament and the New Testament alike and could apply or relate each story to my life. That is why it’s there!
  4. Write down all questions you have – write down all your questions and continue reading. If you still are confused about something – find the answer. Reading the Bible will bring up questions! It’s a good thing – But don’t stumble across a certain scripture and stop reading because your answer and true understand could be just a couple verses or chapters ahead.
  5. Take Notes – I am still using notes I took 4 years ago and assume I will continue. Make bullets, short quotes or whatever you feel is best for you but taking notes will always help when reviewing what you have read.

And finally a few of my own tips:

  1. Read small amounts daily instead of large amounts once a week. Daily reading becomes habit.
  2. If you miss a day, don’t try to “get caught up.” Either skip the readings from that day and move to the next if you’re on a plan that assigns readings for each day of the year, or do your previously scheduled readings on the next day and continue with your plan.
  3. Share what you’re reading with others. It’s a way to keep accountable about your reading, and also let’s you practice sharing God’s Word with others.
  4. Try listening to the Scriptures. I purchased the NIV Audio Bible a while back and was able to get through the entire Bible just by listening in my car on the way to and from work.  Faith Comes by Hearing allows you to listen to the Bible in a number of different translations online if you’re so inclined.
Series Nav
  1. Introduction
  2. Online Bibles
  3. Tools for Understanding the Bible
  4. Developing a Plan
  5. Strategies for Success

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